A downloadable game for Windows

A standard game of snake where you get to interact with your past selves. Play with a randomly generated level or load up custom ones.

I don't have time to extensively playtest it so here be bugs.

I've included its source code so feel free to mod the game. 


SWMTT.zip 21 MB

Install instructions

All you need to download is the .zip file which contains the game and some premade custom levels (configs). 

To run the game just unzip the file and run the application file "SWMTT". 

If you would like to make your own configs or play configs, consult the README.txt file.


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Snake (with multiversal time travel) is the most anticipated release in gaming history since Gollum and GTA 6. Snake (with multiversal time travel) is the most innovative action-adventure video game I've played in years. It deserves the GOTY award, a 95% on the Moist Meter, a 10/10 on IMDb, at least a 21 on Metacritic, and would be given a 7.8/10 by IGN for having excessively realistic graphics.